Saturday, January 28, 2017

More Maxwell and Stuff

Well, as of tomorrow my sweet grandson is 3 weeks old!

He's been gaining weight like crazy, too! He was 4.9 when he was born, 4.8 when he left the hospital and then at his pediatrician appointment yesterday he weighed 5.14 and in one inch longer!

When they first brought him home from the hospital they had to wake him up every 3 hours to eat and then he was sleepy and didn't want to eat much. But in the last week he seems to have woken up and now cries to be fed after about 2 1/2 hours and eats like a champ!

You all were right, like I knew you would be! He has completely stolen my heart and when I don't see him for a day or two I really miss him!  I try not to be a pest and only see him 2-3 times a week instead of every day or every other day! Anyway, on to the pictures!

My daughter's caption on her SnapChat photo!

See those chunky cheeks? I can't stop kissing them!

In other news, Rich and I spent a few hours the last two weekends tearing up the old, crappy carpeting in the living room. As soon as we get the walls painted, we are going to install a laminate floor. Trying to slowly get this house ready to sell in the Spring of 2018.

Rich will probably retire next January and  we are more than ready to downsize! The amount of stuff I have to get rid of is ridiculous, though! That's why I have to start now!

That's all for now!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Maxwell Grayson Ryken

Well, I didn't think I would be doing this post quite so early but my grandchild has been born!

Shauna had a issue with high blood pressure before she even got pregnant. She went on special medication after she got pregnant and was pretty stable until her doctors appointment last Thursday, one week ago. Her blood pressure was elevated and they sent her over to labor and delivery at the hospital to be observed for a while. After a few hours and some blood work, it was determined that she had preeclampsia, a condition in pregnancy where your blood pressure goes dangerously high.

That night they began the process of inducing labor because it was too risky for her and baby to continue the pregnancy much longer.

They started with two days of steroids to strenghten the babys lungs, and early Sunday morning they finally started giving her the drug to induce labor.

To make a long story short after laboring all day she gave birth, with no complications, to my first grandchild.

Meet Maxwell Grayson Ryken

Here he is on the scale a few minutes after he was born. He weighed 4.9 pounds! Such a little guy!

Here he is with his mama!

They told us the three criteria for him being able to go home was he had to eat good, breath good and maintain his body temperature.

He was crying like crazy as soon as he was born so, he could breath pretty good!

The next day he was eating pretty good. Shauna is trying to breast feed but he seems reluctant to latch on and he needs to eat every 3 hours so they supplement with formula. See how huge the bottle looks by his tiny head!

He did spend about 24 hours in the special care nursery so they could make sure he regulates his body temperature.

Nonnie was there every day!

On Wednesday they were able to take him home!

He seems so alert during his short wake times. He just lays there and calmly looks around.

My niece Lauren stopped by to bring them the bassinet that she took from my dad's house when he moved. It sat in the attic for many years. She redid it and gave it to them. It's the same bassinet that me and my brothers slept in!

I waited a long time for this precious little gift! I'm sure you will be hearing lots more about him in the future!

Until then.....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...