Saturday, July 14, 2018

For Sale

Well, our house has been on the market since Monday afternoon.

As of today, Saturday, we've had 4 showings so far. We have another one scheduled for this evening and one scheduled for Sunday. Then maybe we'll get an offer or two!

It's a little bit of a process to get our house ready for people to look at it. Mainly because of the cats. We don't want to hide the fact that we have cats but we do like to hide their litter boxes whenever someone is looking at our house.  Luckily their litter boxes are actually storage totes with holes cut in them, so they are easy to disguise as packed up stuff. like so:

Then we also have to make sure that we clean every surface of cat hair. Plus we pile all of their beds on a shelf in the basement, not hidden but not scattered all over the house like usual.

Besides the cat stuff we also make sure that there are no dishes in the sink, dishrags hanging on the faucets, all the floors are swept, rugs straightened out, kitchen and bathroom faucets and mirrors cleaned. Plus we take any prescription medications with us when we go.

Lastly we have to get Max the cat in the car with us. All the other cats will run and hide when a stranger comes in the house, but he loves people and will follow them around asking to be petted!

So he has to come with us!

He doesn't like being in the car at all, especially when it's moving. We chose not to put him in a carrier because he's a big cat and would be very uncomfortable cramped in one for up to two hours at a time. He's good being free in the car, though. Mostly he just lays on the floor in the back seat and meows pitifully!

In other news, my work department is relocating out of the main hospital to a big research complex in the North Campus., about 3 miles closer to home. This is our last week in the hospital. On Friday morning we will pack up all our stuff and after lunch they will transfer our phones. 

It's going to be chaos for a while but it's a nice facility. It's been completely redone and everything is brand new. But the best part is after almost 15 years I will no longer have to take a bus from my parking spot into work!

Lastly here is a pic of Maxwell and Shauna,

My loves!

Hopefully next time I will have some good news about out house being sold!

Until then.....

Sunday, July 1, 2018

House Stuff Continues

We  are finally getting to the finish line with all the work we have been doing to this house.

Some things we did I did not take pictures of:

Repaired sagging drywall on the ceiling of the dinette area. We had a leak in the upstairs bath toilet which caused the drywall to get wet and sag. It sat there for more years than I want to admit because it's embarrassing. But alas, potential buyers would not appreciate it.  Rich got a quote from a company about having it replaced and it was over $700 so he did it himself. He did a good job, too!

Replaced some landscaping bricks that were crumbled and trimmed or cut down a lot of bushes. Our next door neighbors don't take care of their property very well. He only runs the lawnmower when the grass gets too long but doesn't trim anything. They have bushes on their property line that were growing on to our property an looked messy so Rich cut them back. Bags and bags of branches and leaves!

We have two furnaces in our house. One for the main house and a smaller one for the large added on family room. The heating part of the smaller furnace hasn't worked in a few years and we have been using space heaters in the winter. But once again, that would be something that potential buyers would not appreciate so we called a furnace company. They came out and it cost us $132 for them to tell us that the thermostat was bad and it would cost us $650 to replace it! Well their thermostats must be lined in gold because I went to the hardware store and bought one for $25 and Rich installed it. It's not fancy but it is programmable so it's perfect!  Jeez!

Rich repaired a some cracks in our driveway and patio. This is one of the longest.

This was the widest in the back off of the patio.

We actually did do something for ourselves too. This dining room set was my grandmothers.

We plan on taking getting rid of our dinette set and taking this one with us when we move. The chairs used to be covered with blue checked material.

It was nice when we had the blue carpet in that room but they were hard to keep clean and a cat hair magnet!

So we replaced the cushion covers with black vinyl.

They look much better and will go well in the new place we will be moving to. Plus, no more cat hair!

More on the new place later....I don't want to jinx it!

And of course, here is my usual picture of Maxwell.

Static cling! His dad put this picture on SnapChat!

Well, next time I update our house should be on the market and I'll be able to tell you about the new place.

Until then.........

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...