Friday, February 28, 2020

February Photo a Day #28


My jewelry I keep on my dresser. Most of what I wear every day is in this box or hanging on the little jewelry holder.

Until tomorrow


  1. Yours is well organized. I don't have a lot but what I do have is stuffed into little boxes that are sitting on my dresser. I used to have a jewelry box that I must have gotten tired of at one time or anothe and I got rid of it.

  2. I remember having a jewelry box like that; or maybe it was Mom. I thought I'd commented here, but my mind is full of holes lately. Actually, I read some of the paperwork from the hospital and I actually do have at least one hole in my brain. I'm not surprised. LOL

    Hope you guys are staying safe although I hate that you work in the hospital, buddy. Please take care.



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