Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tape Dispenser

I mentioned in my previous post that I took my tape dispenser with me when I left my job last Friday.

Well, I did replace it with a tape dispenser that I had a home so I'm not actually stealing it. May sound silly but they are convenient because we have to tape slides boxes closed.

I was thinking the other day that if I had a nickel for every slide case I taped closed, or slides I put into a case or took out of a case I would be rich indeed!

Anyway, back to the story.

Here is my tape dispenser.

It's the one that was at my desk when I started in August 2003 and it's been with me to every desk I've moved to, which was at least 3 or 4. It's pretty old!

And the little tape cutter thing is pretty worn out and you have to hold the dispenser and tear from the edge to get the piece of tape off.

One day while I was on vacation, one of my coworkers was covering for me. She was complaining about my tape dispenser and how it doesn't cut the tape very well.

When I came back from vacation she told me, "Your tape dispenser doesn't work very well. I almost threw it away and got you a new one!"

I was horrified! I would have been extremely upset if she had done that, and here's why!

 This is a new box of tape (and yes, I did steal that from work! I needed it!). See the little green thing that you have to take off before using the tape?

Every time I replaced the tape I would take that little green thing and stick it to the bottom of the dispenser. I did that for the whole time  I worked there!

That is almost 17  years worth of little tape starts underneath there!

See why I had to keep it and then take it home with me?

It's no longer just a tape dispenser, it's a conversation piece and a subject for a blog entry!

Until the next time!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

At Last

After almost 17 years I have retired from my job at University of Michigan.

I gave my notice to my supervisor, Nancy, a week or more before this pandemic hit. I planned on giving her 3 months notice, plenty of time to find someone to replace me and get them trained before I left.

Well, COVID-19 changed all that! We Zoom interviewed a few people and Nancy decided which one she wanted to  hire. Then they declared that a hiring freeze would be in effect until July 2021.

I know I mentioned before that I had a crappy coworker who was constantly calling in sick or coming late or leaving early and leaving me to do a 2-person job by myself.

Well, now she's by herself for the foreseeable future! Ask me if I care!!!

Anyway, enough of what bothered me about that job, on to the good stuff!

Yesterday obviously was my last day and everyone went out of their way to make it so special! We couldn't have a retirement party due to social distancing but Nancy had all of my coworkers write little notes and messages to me and she put them in a memory book!

I got flowers from a few people.

This  beautiful egg light with flowers and hummingbirds.

In true Nonnie style, I am leaving it in the box with the tester button attached so Maxwell and Levi can push the button and light it up!

This gorgeous handmade quilt by one of the most talented quilters I've ever seen!

Cards and gift cards!

So many people stopped by my desk to wish me well and tell me how much they are going to miss me. Had me in tears a few times!

I took my name tag and my tape dispenser which has a story I'll tell in another post.

I  had so much stuff I had to use a cart to bring it to my car. My supervisor walked out with me and helped my load it up, then we hugged (screw the social distancing..I love her and will miss her!) and I was on my way home!

And that's it!

Got home, unloaded the car, sat down and thought, "Now what?" LOL

It may take me a while but I will find my way in this new life...

Until the next time!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Social Distancing at Work

At the health system where I work they formed a committee to virus proof, for lack of a better word, our facility for the duration of this pandemic.

Yesterday, they went around the whole building marking areas with blue tape.

This is my desk and anyone talking to me needs to stay behind the blue line.

This one at the copy machine I don't quite understand. I guess it's where you stand if you are making copies or faxing something but really, they don't need a mark there! (Since I wrote this I found out that the X's mean only one person can stand in that spot!)

This is the elevator. Stand in your corners!

This is the bathroom. They closed off one sink and marked places to stand while waiting for a sink. Plus a sign reminding us to wash for 20 seconds. Side note: I like to wash for 10 seconds, rinse and do it again for 10 seconds!

This is the break room. They have a line to stand behind while waiting for the sink, microwave or coffee machine. And all of the tables are marked where you are allowed to sit.  They removed all of the other chairs. Only 8 people are allowed in the break room at a time.

And of course, wear a mask while walking the halls or in one of the labs.

I also am liking my longer hair! It certainly needs a trim and a dye job but I love being able to pull it back into a pony tail and out of my way!

That's all for now. One more week of work then freedom and poverty!

It's getting real now!

Until the next time, stay safe and stay well!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Beautiful Day

Last Sunday was a beautiful day here in Michigan. Temps in the high 70's and very sun shiny!

Rich and I decided to go to Kensington Metro Park to take a walk by the lake. We went fairly early for a  Sunday hoping to avoid any crowds.

Apparently everyone else in the state had the same idea because it was packed! The parking lots were filling up fast and so were the trails.

It's a little hard to keep social distancing when you're  passing someone on a path that's only 6 ft wide, but I didn't care. It was just so nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful day!

A lot of people had masks on but I didn't wear mine. I refuse to wear it outside! How can you enjoy the fresh air with a mask on?

Anyway, tomorrow is Mother's Day. I usually go to the cemetery but I think it may be closed this year!

And of course we will do a backyard visit with Shauna, Brad and the kids.

Can't wait to see them!

One more thing..

If I every win the lottery I am going to have something like this in my house!

Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there!

Until the next time stay well and stay safe!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5 Things and a Blog Milestone!

As I was publishing this post I noticed that it is my 800th post! Hard to believe I've had that much to talk about!

Anyway, on with post 800!

I saw this on another blog and thought it would be good to do. You just list 5 things you miss, 5 things you don't miss and 5 things you're grateful for.

So here goes.

5 Things I Miss

It goes without saying the first thing on this list is my grandsons. I haven't kissed or hugged them since March 18th. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

Having dinner out. We used to eat out every Friday night.

My hairdresser-I have a lot more gray than I thought I did. It was hard to tell before when I only could see 1/2 inch at a time! Plus I really need a haircut!

Breakfast and shopping with my best friend, although we did go last Saturday and ate in a park the weather is not always good for that.

Playing Video Poker. At least once a month we used to go to the casino, have a nice dinner and play video poker.

5 Things I Don't Miss

Traffic. The drive to and from work has been really, really nice these last few weeks!

Crazy busyness at work. It's gotten very quiet since the pandemic started. It's picking up again now but hopefully I will be done before it gets crazy busy again!

Those honestly are the only two things that I don't miss.

5 Things I'm Grateful For

My Job-which I am retiring from in a few weeks but I am so thankful that I was able to keep working through this time.

My husband who is a steady rock in my life.

Snap chats and face time with my daughter, son and grandsons. Keeping me sane!

Our comfortable cozy house.

My brothers who keep me amused with Facebook posts!

That's it for now.

Until the next time!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Moving Along

Here we are into May and things are starting to change. I've noticed more and more traffic, not so much in the morning but definitely on my way home from work!

Here is the road on my way into work Friday morning,

That's usually a pretty busy spot! The health system I work for is starting to open up the operating rooms and clinics on Monday so I anticipate even more traffic next week. 

My friend and I got take out breakfast this morning and went to a park and sat at a picnic table for a few hours and talked. I've missed my standing Saturday morning breakfast date with her since the restaurants  all closed down. 

Our governor here in Michigan signed an order allowing  work that is done outdoors to resume as of May 7th but has extended the stay at home order to the end of the month. Of course there was another protest in Lansing but people didn't keep to social distancing so it pretty much was ineffective.  I'm all for protesting but do it lawfully and keep your guns at home or why bother? I'm not against gun ownership, I have a handgun and a permit to carry it, but that was not the place for the Michigan Militia! Anyway, Whitmer is getting very unpopular in this state! I never liked her and I think she's doing a lot of things for spite against Republicans and Trump and she has a political agenda. God forbid she become Biden's running mate but I wouldn't be surprised! 

But anyway, enough politics!

Yesterday I bought myself this little toy.

It's a wireless printer, scanner, copier and fax. I can send documents or pictures to it from anywhere because it has it's own email address! 

One of the main reasons for getting it however it to scan all of the old pictures of ours and store them on USB drives. There is a lot of them!

All these albums and a plastic box full plus a lot of then in frames that used to hang in our old house. 
There is a lot but I'll have time!

Finally, Maxwell and Levi are enjoying the nice weather and all that it  brings, like popsicles!

Until the next time..stay safe and stay well!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...