Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas 2022

Christmas was fun. We were able to get together once again with my family after missing it last year due to my SIL being sick. 

Chris and his friend drove in from NH, just one day ahead of the snowstorm that hit us on Christmas Eve. 

It was fun to see my nieces and nephews and their kids. Lots of good food and laughter. Then we drove home in a total white out!

Here's me and my brothers. 

On Christmas Day we went to Shauna and Brads because they were hosting Brad's family. It was nice to see them, too. The boys got lots of stuff from Santa and they showed us everything! It was fun playing with all their new toys and games. And I learned that I am really bad at the game Operation! And also at laser tag because Maxwell was winning every time! 

On Monday I had them, Chris and his friend for Christmas #3! I made a French Toast casserole, and everyone loved it! The boys had lots of presents to open again! These are the only pictures I took! 

I think my New Year resolution should be to get more pictures, especially of family! I'm getting so bad at that, but I guess it's a good thing to be in the moment, not behind my phone! 

Chris and his friend left on Monday afternoon and drove through Pennsylvania before stopping for the night. They had a longer than normal drive because they had to skirt around Buffalo but they made it home safe and sound Tuesday afternoon. 

In other news, our cat Max is being especially needy right now! He always wants to be petted and follows us around a lot. He misses his buddy! 

That's pretty much it for now. We have no plans for tomorrow night just to try to stay awake until Midnight. Last year we slept right through it! 

I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year! I hope this coming year is all you want it to be! 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Christmas Shopping and Sad News

My work schedule has finally lightened up giving me a little more time off. Last Monday I went on a Christmas shopping spree and got most of it done. That's my usual MO, to just do it all at one time! I ordered a few things online but mostly I did actual shopping! 

On Saturday we went with the boys to see Santa. 

Poor Maxwell wasn't feeling good but he was a trooper! I think the highlight for Levi was being able to be on this tractor!

We had plans for them to spend that night with us because Shauna and Brad had a wedding to attend. They were hesitant but I assured them Nonnie can take care of a sick little boy! 

Children's cold medicine every 4 hours and a nice nap and he was feeling fine and we had a good time! 

In other and sad news. 

We had to say goodbye to our oldest cat, Smudge or Moogie as we usually called him. He was 18 1/2 years old and he was my lap cat for most of those years. I miss him so much already! Especially when I'm sitting down to watch TV at night when he would always be on my lap keeping me warm (or making me hot in the summer!) Here's a little post I did on him during my February Photo a Day posts. 

Rest well my sweet boy.  

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Estate Sale Fun


There were two estate sales I went to, both of them within a few miles from my house. 

One of them was at a condo complex called Blue Heron Pointe. In the middle is a man-made lake. Driving by I always wondered what it looked like from the inside. Today I found out. 

I didn't take any pictures of the front but the back of the condo was stunning.

There was an upper and lower deck. 

And a spiral staircase going from one to the other!

I thought this table was interesting. 

And this chandelier above it. 

And in the garage..

Who needs this many sets of golf clubs?! Unless they were selling them for the whole complex! 

This was clearly a bachelor pad condo. There was not a single sign of a woman in sight anywhere! 

I did buy this for $4 though. 

I figured we could use it in our shed. 

The other estate sale was in another condo complex. 

There was a display of jewelry on a kind of neat table. The table wasn't for sale. 

I did buy these earrings for $8. 

I was happy to find these estate sales to go to so close to my house. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Miniature Tree

 I finally got my miniature tree put together. 

Every year I get a coupon from Hallmark stores, and I use it to buy another miniature ornament. Last post I showed you my newest one. 

Here's some close ups of my other ones. Notice the tiny teapot I bought at an estate sale a few months ago.

And here it is in front of the 7.5-foot tree. 

It looks super cute when shown that way! 

And even though I swore I would not purchase another snowman...

I couldn't resist this cutie! 

I'm very happy with my decorations this year. I have lights in various places throughout the house and in the evening when everything is lit it's very warm and cozy! 

Today I finally have a day off and believe it or not there are a few estate sales I'm going to! Then I'm going to spend some extra time with the grandsons! 

Hopefully I'll find something interesting to show you from the estate sales on my next post! 

Until then stay safe and well, my friends! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...