Thursday, February 10, 2022

February Photo A Day #10

 This is Smudge, my lap cat.  

Every night when I sit down to watch TV, he lays on my lap. If I get up for anything he just stands there and waits for me to come back.  When I get up to go to bed he sleeps in the warm spot that I left!

If I stay up too late he walks back and forth across my lap like he's telling me to get up he wants to go to sleep in my spot! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I love-love-love cats! Mine does the same! Animals are so superior to lots of humans, aren't they, Jeanette? Smudge is beautiful! ~Andrea XOXO

  2. I like his name! Adorable cat too! They have such personalities don't they?


  3. Awwww, this melts my heart!! How loveable.

  4. I love kitty cats - He looks like such a love. I have one that does that too. Then she follows me to bed and lays on my ankles. She's close to 16 lbs. Silly Cat

  5. Smudge is cute. And it's nice to have a lap cat!

  6. Lucky you....

    😊Blogs are little 1st Amendment machines😊

  7. She is beautiful and my Sweetness and she have a lot in common but I am trying to figure out how many cats you have! More than four? xoxo

  8. Cats are so funny and this one is a sweetie pie to boot!

  9. Cats are so funny and definitely have a routine. One of ours gives my husband a kiss goodnight. She jumps in bed, will go nose to nose with him, then runs off to sleep in her spot. It's so weird and funny!


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