Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February Photo A Day #9

This picture was taken January 13, 1973 the day after my 16th birthday. 

My mom took me and 5 of my friends to a fancy restaurant called Topinka's for lunch to celebrate. 

That's me in the back on the right. 

My gorgeous friend Karen is in the front in the pink coat. We have been friends since we were 7 years old and still get together occasionally. 

The girl on the left in the plaid coat is Debbie. She was my maid of honor at my wedding. We lost touch but recently connected via Facebook.

The girl in the front in the red dress is Dottie. I have no idea what happened to her!

The girl in the middle is Ilona. She is the girl I mentioned in my Quitting Smoking post who died of lung cancer at 58 years old.

Last but not least the girl in the dark hair next to me is my friend Celia. She lives in Florida and has a dog sanctuary called Mr. Lucky Dogs Sanctuary. I last saw her a few years ago when I went to Florida for her 60th birthday. We talk and text occasionally. 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I LOVE seeing pictures like this. I have so few! It's fun to hear what people are up to, but also can be sad. I'm sorry about your friend, Ilona.

  2. Love it! There are nothing like childhood friends that you are still in touch with.

  3. What a delightful photo... From the past!!!!!

    You know, I look forward to what-pic-will-she-show-today, here!!!!!

    I think this is a very cool idea, for a blogging prompt. And I never like any blogging prompts!!!!!!!!! -grin-

  4. What a sweet thing for your mom to do! It is neat you kept up with a lot of your friends too, though sad about your friend's passing.


  5. What a nice memory. It's nice to know what old friends are up to. There are so many people that I have no idea where they are and what they are doing with their lives these days.

  6. What a sweet memory you shared, and how wonderful that you have kept in touch with these girls who celebrated that special day with you!

  7. A great photo! But since it was your birthday, you should have been in the front so we can get a better look at you!

  8. Such a lovely picture of you and your friends. Sad about one of them dying though.

  9. Feb. 9th

    Hope you will soon read my now last post.

    It is scary!

  10. What a sweet photo and memory! Don't you hate it when you lose touch with someone?

  11. Awwww what a treasure this picture and this memory is! Your friend in the pink coat certainly was a beauty. xoxo

  12. What a great memory! Y'all look so pretty too. How sweet that you keep in touch with some of your friends. I chat with a few of mine on Facebook but that's about it.


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