Friday, February 11, 2022

February Photo A Day #11

If you are a woman over 40 then you know what this is. 

Last Wednesday it was my annual date with this machine! After I took the picture the tech had to look at it to make sure there wasn't any information on it that would violate HIPPA. I told her it was to show my husband but really it was to use here for my daily photo!

See you tomorrow!


  1. The modern day torture machine... but neccessary.The things we women go through! x

  2. I’ve had way too many dates with that machine.

  3. Grinning --hope everything is ok etc. smiles

  4. I have never thought to take of photo of the machine :-)

  5. May your results come back in good order, my friend. Be sure to let us know. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. She looked at your photo? Oh my word.
    Hate those necessary evil contraptions!

  7. I have to wait until my arm heals - right now I wouldn’t be able to do that without them hurting me or damaging my rotator cuff repair. They told me about 6 mos.

  8. Good to keep up on health maintenance!


  9. Let us know when you get the results!

  10. Know what HIPPA is???

    "The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge."

    FEDERAL protect sensitive patient health information.....

    What a Laugh that is!!!

    Is anyone so naive, as to believe, that everything about us, is not 'out there'???? Especially for the Government!?


    😊Blogs are little 1st Amendment machines😊

  11. I wonder how a photo of the machine could violate HIPPA? I hope all comes back well. Have a great weekend!

  12. I did that about 3 weeks ago. Good to have it done for another year!

  13. Oh yes, I know that machine and I don't like it.

  14. Well I don't know how anything on that blasted machine could violate HIPAA, since HIPAA prohibits medical professionals from sharing your information with other medical professionals ... but whatever, hahaa! xoxo


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Mock Fried Rice

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