Saturday, February 12, 2022

February Photo A Day #12

I finally took my Equinox in to repair the ding caused by my neighbor across the street when he backed out of his driveway into it.

Here is the rental car that his insurance company paid for. 

It's a Nisson Altima. I have been driving SUV's for so long that driving in a car now feels like I'm sitting right on the road! It was clean when I got it but the roads right now are slushy and dirty! No car stays clean for long! It is a pretty blue, though! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. Nice, and great that you were able to get a rental car.

  2. All vehicles look *tired and messy* at this time of year, in snow country any way. >,-)

    On this Sunday,
    Eat 'Junk'
    😋 😋 😋 😋

  3. That IS a pretty blue, Jeanette. Have fun driving it... for something a little different. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. My last two cars have been SUV’s and I do feel like I’m sitting on the road in a regular car now.

  5. The color is pretty, but I bet it is way too small for you. Do you know how long till you get yours back?

  6. The neighbor hit it?? Did I miss that post??
    Goodness...Stay safe girlfriend!!

  7. Will your Equinox be in the body shop long? Not a bad looking rental car! I know what you mean though about sedans as opposed to SUVs. I remember getting into my son's sedan one time and it was so low I wasn't sure I'd be able to get out of it :)


  8. That is a pretty blue. I do prefer an SUV these days because they are easier to get in and out of. Old knees don't like getting in and out of a lower sitting car.

  9. All the vehicles around here are a mess too.

  10. I know what you mean about feeling like you are sitting on the road.
    I like that blue color.

  11. Ugh I remember when we lived up north, how dirty the cars stayed all winter. Here, it's the pollen season that destroys our cars for about six weeks! xoxo

  12. I've been driving an SUV for so long and when I get in a car it feels way too low. My daughter drives a small Sentra and I feel like I'm driving a little go cart! lol


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