Saturday, February 24, 2024

February Photo A Day #24

This is the charm bracelet my cousin gave me when I made my confirmation in the Catholic Church. I think I was about 12 and she was my sponsor. 

The first charm on the left was the one she gave me with the bracelet. Then she gave me a charm on my birthday for several years. The second from the right was for my 16th birthday. The second from the left was for being a bridesmaid in her wedding that same year. The fourth from the left was when I graduated from high school. That was the last one when I turned 18.  

See you tomorrow!


  1. What a lovely treasure. I have a charm bracelet that my mom bought me when I was a teen. I think it has a total of 3 charms on it.

  2. What a wonderful piece from your youth.

  3. That's so special! I have one from about the same time, but it has more things from trips I took, not special occasions.

  4. I have a charm bracelet too! That must have been “a thing” back in our day. Do little girls now get charm bracelets?

  5. Lovely bracelet. I had a sliver one which I got from my aunt on one of my birthdays with the first charm a birthday charm. I ended up with so many charms that there was no room for any more. Each one was of a special time.

  6. It is kind of like a journal of your young life! I love charm bracelets, and they can be hard to find. this one is lovely!

  7. Love the bracelet! I never had one...but my sister did.

  8. What a very sweet piece of jewelry; so many memories!


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