Thursday, April 25, 2024

Gearing Up

Our new carpet is set to be installed in 4 days and we have started to empty closets and cleaning stuff off of every piece of furniture to be moved. 

All of our closets were filled with totes, and we have them stacked everywhere we can to get them out of the way. 

These totes contain my holiday decorations and they were stacked in the spare bedroom and closet. 

Right now we have them in the other spare room but on the day of installation we will put them in the small bathroom, including in the bathtub! 

We took part of the treadmill apart as you can see above and at this moment the panel is sitting on the island in the kitchen! 

This is the other master bathroom. 

This is all the totes from that bedroom closet and the other spare room closet. 

There is still so much we have to move but at least we got a good start! 

On the day of installation we have to disassemble both of the beds so the installation company can move them out of the way. 

Thankfully, Chris came to town last night and will be here to help us on Monday. 


My job is going really good. It's funny how almost every job I've ever had the patients, or customers or clients were sometimes hard to deal with, but I always liked the people I worked with so it made things a little easier. 

This job is totally the opposite. The people I work with are ok but it's the residents that make the job good for me!  I love them, even the grumpy ones! And I think they love me, too! When I come in the beginning of my shift I have to walk past the dining room and there always is some kind of entertainment about to start. A lot of them wave to me or sometimes call me over to tell me some little bit of news. 

I've learned most of their names now and have learned the best way to deal with residents that have dementia. 

The downside is a few of them have died since I started there in November and I always feel so bad. Plus I miss their family members who we get to know too. 

My absolute favorite resident is a little lady who just turned 99 on Monday! She's a sweetheart and I told her she better live to be 100 so we can have a big party for her! She agreed to try! 

That's all for me for now. I leave you with a selfie of me and Max the Cat although he refused to look into the camera! 

I'll be back after the carpet gets installed!

See you then and thanks for stopping by! 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Eclipse And Another Project Coming

On the day of the eclipse I was driving to an eye doctor appointment during our 98% coverage. My appointment was at 3:30 and we hit peak coverage at about 3:18. Who would have thought when I booked the appointment that it would be at that particular time! 

Anyway, had my eyes dilated and all is well this year!  

This is how we looked at the eclipse. 

My son sent a picture of him holding a strainer like that so we did it too! We did not have glasses so I thought this was a pretty neat way to look at it.  It was at about 50% coverage by then.

What was also kind of neat was the shadows. 

This was the shadow inside the front door of the pine tree in front of the house. 

I ordered new carpeting yesterday and it should be delivered and installed in about 2-3 weeks. 

I'm really excited but the thought of everything we have to pack away and move is overwhelming! Everything has to be taken off of all the surfaces and put somewhere. I have a bunch of totes to use, and we'll just stack them up in the kitchen and both of the bathrooms. Plus, we have two beds to take apart and store the mattresses somewhere! PLUS we are having them carpet the closets too so we have to empty them all out! Gah! It's keeping me up at night!

I can't wait for it to be done and over! Then I can enjoy beautiful new carpeting. The one we have now is so old and beat down I don't even want to vacuum it anymore!  You can tell that from the above picture. 

That's all going on in my world right now. 

I work today then I am off for the next 4 days! Yay!

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

How It's Going and Random Stuff

After being overwhelmed for months about this painting job we got down to it an got the whole thing painted in 2 1/2 days. 

It feels so good to finally have that part done. 

The first thing we did was to take the ugly curtains down and promptly throw them in the garbage! Then we filled in all the holes from the rods. 

Here's a random picture of Max and Levi where you can see the ugly curtains behind them. 

They were on the living room, dining area and family room windows.  Goodbye! 

Rich taking down shelves and filling in holes. 

Coco is wondering what Dad's doing! 

Here's a picture of the contrast between the old and new colors. Big difference! 

With the lighter paint color and the curtains gone the whole house is so much brighter!  I do eventually plan on putting some kind of valance on the windows but that is a future project. 

Next is new carpeting. I know, a lot of people don't like carpeting, but I actually do like the way it looks and feels on the floor. Plus, it's a little more budget friendly than having wood or laminate floors put in. I would also have to buy several large rugs, too. 

Anyway, I'm thinking a dark grey would look good. Chris will be in town later this month so I'm hoping to schedule the job for then and he can help us with all the moving stuff around we'll have to do. 

In other news, Levi drew me another picture. This one is a cupcake with a heart on top. 

In case you can't read it it says his name and, "I am 5 years old and I am amazing!" No lack of confidence in that guy! 

Caught this beautiful sunset on my way home from work a few days ago. 

I went to an estate sale on Saturday. I didn't get a picture of the house, but these two tables were outside. 

They were priced at $70 each with 25% off. I was tempted to buy just one because you know I love mirrored furniture but I really have nowhere to put it so I passed. 

This is what I did buy. 

A knockoff Prada wallet, a 2 cup glass Pyrex measuring cup and a pair of silver hoop earrings. Total spent: $13.50 I'm so excited that Estate Sale season is starting again!  You know I'll be posting a lot of those! 

That's it for me for now. See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...