Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Phone Photo Dump

It's time for another post of random photos from my phone.

I saw this in the driveway of a fancy new house built in downtown Plymouth. Did you know this is called a compass rose or compass star? I didn't. 

I took this picture slightly from the side. As you can see the compass star is off center to the driveway. I'm guessing it's true NSEW and the house, driveway is slightly off true. I think this is really pretty, but I don't know if I would like that it's not symmetrical with the driveway! 

One of the places that I like to walk has this area with a bunch of exercise bars. 

There is also signs with all the exercises you can do on them. 

One of the houses in our community has this little fairy village in front. 

It's grown quite a bit over the years. Must be a growing fairy population! 

Our local sandhill cranes decided to pay us a visit!

They pecked up practically every single bird seed that was under our feeder. They stayed for about an hour. 

We had the boys overnight last weekend and decided we wanted to sit outside and have a fire in our portable fire pit. 

It was pretty cold even wrapped in blankets. We stayed outside for a total of 5 minutes then back into the warm house!

Yesterday was our 48th anniversary. We just went to dinner at a local restaurant called EG Nicks. Nothing fancy. 

I had a glass of Moscato. I rarely drink but when I do like a glass of wine or a beer. This was so good and really hit the spot! 

For some sad news Rich's older sister Jackie passed away last night. She was 74 and had advanced Alzheimer's. She lived in a nursing home about a hour away from us. It's sad because she was so young to have that disease but a blessing also. 

That's it for now. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share! 

I love fried rice but I never eat rice because it sends my blood sugar way up! I made something like this a long time ago with broccoli slaw but thought I would try it with coleslaw. 

I just sautéed the coleslaw in butter with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder until it was soft and slightly browned. 

I added one scrambled egg and cooked it for a few more minutes. Then I added soy sauce. I didn't measure it, just added until it looked the color of fried rice. 

It was so good! If you ever want low carb side dish this would work really well. 

I'm thinking next time I make it I will put small pieces of chicken in there. 

Anyway, that's all that's going on here right now. I've been working extra days due to people being off ill or on vacation. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 



Friday, February 28, 2025

February Photo a Day #28

Whew! We made it to the end of the month! What better way to end this year's photo a day than these two guys! 

Not many more words needed with this picture!

Thanks for going along with me this month! I hope you enjoyed seeing these posts as much as I enjoy doing them! 

See you the next time! 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February Photo a Day #27

 Remember Kippy with his snow teeth?

His owner passed away last week. Kippy was adopted by one of his dog walkers who loves him so much! He is going to have a good life, and I will miss him!

See you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February Photo a Day #26

 Last week I decided to clean my oven which was much needed! We took the door off for easier access and when we tried to put it back on one of the hinges broke. It was always a little wonky whenever we would take the door off and I think this time was the last straw! 

I ordered the part from first and then found it on Amazon for $20 cheaper so I cancelled the Whirlpool order.  It should get here between Wednesday and Sunday. In the meantime, the oven is wide open. The pink duct tape is to hold the button in so the light stays off! We tried to take the bulb out but it wouldn't budge!

See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February Photo a Day #25

 After only doing 300–500-piece puzzles, Rich and I decided to take on this 1000-piece puzzle. 

We do them on a card table that is set up in our family room. Normally all the pieces fit on the one table but not this one. 

We've sacrificed our dining room table for a while until we get enough of it done to move them to the card table!

Ugh! We really need one of those puzzle boards with the drawers!

See you tomorrow! 

Monday, February 24, 2025

February Photo a Day #24

 Every day at work they have a beverage decanter with different flavored ice water. They use blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, melons, mint leaves and sometimes a combination. 

Yesterday they had cucumber water which is my favorite! So delicious and refreshing! 

See you tomorrow! 

Phone Photo Dump

It's time for another post of random photos from my phone. I saw this in the driveway of a fancy new house built in downtown Plymouth. D...