Monday, March 3, 2008

Shopping, spring and open houses!

Saturday Shauna and I went shopping for the things she needs for her apartment. We went to several different stores and she bought dishes, silverware, pots and pans, towels, utensils, baking stuff, a broom and dustpan. She had fun and it was neat to see her tastes in stuff. She still needs small appliances like toaster and microwave, but she's off to a good start!

We went to lunch at a place called LaShish. It used to be a very popular middle eastern cuisine restaurant. A few years ago the owner was charged with tax invasion and was under suspicion for funneling money to terrorists. We stopped eating there along with every one else and their business went down hill very fast. I always love the food, though and have missed eating there. When we decided to go have lunch we did not know that they would be closing their doors for good that night. It's too bad because it was a excellent restaurant at one time and now 350 more people are out of jobs. Shame, but I am glad I got the chicken schwarma salad and lentil soup one more time!

Sunday we looked a a few open houses that my brother is selling. Not that we are interested in buying one, but it's always fun to look at other peoples houses.

Today it is much warmer out and almost all of the snow is melted. It was also raining when I left work and we are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow tonight. But it should melt pretty fast! It's March and spring is right around the corner. Plus daylight saving time starts next weekend. Woo hoo!!

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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...