Sunday, March 9, 2008

Weekly Winners


Please can I go outside?

Bored during a long drive!

Poor thing couldn't hack the winter


  1. Great pictures, especially kitty face - too cute!

  2. I love that first photo - I think I have that same type of plant in the bottom right corner.

  3. So many winter pics. Not a lot of folks in the desert :? Well, you hang in there ;)

    Stop on over at my place if you have time - here: Ren Fest – Weekly Winner. It's only one pic, so it shouldn't take long. We'll have a cup'a joe and hang out or someth'n.

    Have a great week. *smackies*

  4. Beautiful ♥ cat - I am partial to cats.
    We don't get snow in Australia so I love snow shots.
    My WW is up
    My Little Drummer boys

  5. PS My mum is a Jeanette and she gets called Net or Nettie too from a few friends.

  6. I don't blame the tree. I can barely stand it either, the winter that is. And I love the picture of your cat.


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