Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekly Winners

Caught Smudge in mid-meow! He wants outside really bad!

Does anyone know what this bush is? It is so pretty when it flowers.

The ugliest shed in the world and hopefully in a few weeks it will be gone from existence!

This little girl was just taking a stroll down the street the other day. One thing we have a lot around here is ducks because we live fairly close to a small creek.

Check out some more Weekly Winners at Sarcastic Mom's place!!


  1. Great pics! That really is an ugly shed! :P

  2. It looks like an azelea bush, but I could be wrong.

    Poor lonely duckie. :(

  3. That shed is very original, lol a modern art construction !
    Push yourself and write on Tuesday about your cats !

  4. Ducks! I love ducks! :) I'm not sure what that shrub is. :(

  5. I love the duck shot, and OMW that is one ugly shed!

  6. I love the duck shot:) Funny to see them just wandering around!

  7. The ugliest shed in the world has a bit of character. Fun. The pictures were great.

  8. I love the ducks, walking around without a care in the world!

  9. Nice shots! The shed really does seem a bit overdone, I mean, for a shed ;)
    The ducks were wandering in the streets around here, too.

  10. i'm guessing that's an azalea bush too. A modern work of art! That's so funny....


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