Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lazy Weekend

We're pretty much wrapping up the State Parks for the year. We've been to most of them on the lower part of lower Michigan and some of them more than once! We did hit one more last weekend:

Geese seem to be the only ones left hanging around anymore!

Other than that not much going on around these parts.

Last night we went to see a famous Halloween street about a hour away from our house. It was CRAZY busy! People were lined up around the block to be able to walk slowly down the street and see the decorated houses.

This was a animated ghostly orchestra playing music!

I also got to meet a fellow blogger, Dolly of From My Cherry Heart! She lives on that block and was the one who told my about it! I only talked to her for a short time but I am just so excited to finally have met a fellow blogger! She said their street gets over 2000 visitors a night for weeks during the Halloween season! If you click on the link she has lots of pictures!

Today I did not do much but tinker around the house...putting summer clothes away and getting winter clothes washed and ready to wear. Every year when I put my summer stuff away I always say a little prayer that it still fits me come next Spring!

I know we're bad people but I did not buy candy for tonight. We are going to close up the front of the house before dark and skip Halloween this year! Rich has a colonoscopy tomorrow (and you know what that means for him today!) and I just didn't want to buy any candy to tempt him! Plus, we don't get many kids anymore and all that doorbell ringing just freaks the cats out anyway!!

Oh well, gotta go! I got a frozen California Pizza Kitchen white pizza ready to go into the oven! Hey, I just didn't want to temp Rich with CANDY...I didn't say nothing about pizza!!


  1. You met a blogger!! How cool is that! I'll check out her pics.

    I hope all goes well for Rich tomorrow; those things aren't fun but necessary. I say that, but haven't had one in years. You'd think after Patti had to have her colon removed, I'd be more diligent.

    So, you're not tempting him with candy but with pizza. LOLOL

    Hope you have a good week. :)

  2. I hope you gave Rich a nice foot massage to get him relaxed and ready for his test and to make him feel loved after spending the day in the bathroom.

  3. Have you been to any of the parks in the U.P.?

  4. It was nice meeting you and Rich this weekend.
    I am glad you came out and had a good time!
    After all this halloween madness that has been going on for weeks here I am going to hibernate for a few days! :-)

    Blessings to Rich,
    Hugz, Dolly

  5. Bet it was a fun visit meeting a fellow blogger!!
    Love the photos!!

  6. Hey, how wonderful that you got to meet another blogger! Isn't it grand?! Yes, the season is changing again, and I STILL don't have my closet organized, hahaha!!!!!! Martha Stewart would not approve! We didn't buy any Halloween candy and came home late on the holiday from our trip. The little boogers can beg elsewhere, LOL!

  7. I want to meet a fellow blogger, that would be fun! Have you been to any of Utah's national parks, I think the are at least 6 of them! ;D

  8. Many people don't realize the beauty in our parks. I am shocked how many people I have met that haven't visited the 2 within 20 miles. I shoot pics for the parks and have a flicker site on my blog to let people go on a virtual tour.


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