Monday, November 8, 2010

Thrift Shopping and Not Much Else!

Friday a new Salvation Army Family Store opened just a few blocks from my house. I was very happy to see this store coming because the little strip mall that it's located in has been 50% empty since the Farmer Jack grocery store and the CVS pharmacy closed about 4 years ago. There used to be quite a few stores including a Dress Barn and a dollar store but when the big stores closed they lost alot of the traffic, so any other smaller stores struggled to stay open! Anyway, Friday morning was the long anticipated grand opening of the thrift store. I drove by about 9:00 on my way to the bank and this is what I saw:

Packed and waiting in line to get in the store! The line went away after about a half-hour but the parking lot remained packed for the whole weekend! It is a pretty nice store as thrift stores go.

I bought a bouquet of silk fall flowers for my desk at work that I forgot to take a picture of.

A cat creamer and a little cat figurine:

A black button down shirt and a purple cardigan.

All for $17.00.

I love thrift store shopping as much as garage and estate sales. I have no problem buying used clothing (well except for underwear, socks and shoes..blech!). I am definitely looking forward to browsing this new store.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend. Saturday went to breakfast with Marie and dinner with Chris and Marissa, both at the same restaurant. It's just like a coney island but they have the best omlettes ever and I love their Greek salad!

Speaking of Marie her and her husband leave next Sunday for a Caribbean cruise that her daughter gave them for their anniversary! I'm so excited for her and a little jealous, too!! I could use a cruise about now!!

It's getting cold and Friday it actually did the s-word (I can't bring myself to say it!) for a few minutes! Plus it's dark on my way home from work now! Bah!

Have a good week!!


  1. Wow, a lot of people anxious for that opening. You 'done' good, girl, for 17 smackeroo's. :)

    When Britt was little she'd go with me to the SA store; I always told her "come on, let's go to the Avenues (mall)". Hunter doesn't buy that though, the other day I said we'd go to the Dollar Tree and she wanted "Target". hahaha Well, we went to the DT and she was happy anway!!

    You have a good week also, and hopefully that "s" won't come back. :)

  2. Wow I can't believe all the people waiting in line!
    Guess we all love a bargain.

    Have a great week,
    Hugz, Dolly

  3. You came away with some great stuff for $17! Nice way to spend your weekend.


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