Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hospital Day 2

Well, his pain was a little more yesterday due to the fact that he was moving around some and he's not under the influence of anesthesia anymore. The doctor said by today the pain should start greatly improving. Yesterday later in the day he was going 3 to 3-1/2 hours between shots. We even had him walking the halls a few times.

At first, he was not allowed to eat or drink anything. This was the door to his room. NPO means "nil per os" or nothing by mouth.

Brakfast, lunch and dinner. Yum!!

Later in the afternoon they changed it to "clear and sips" which means clear liquids and only little sips. They gave him a tray with broth, apple juice, jello and a lemon ice. He hardly touched any of it. No appetite yet. He just wants ice chips!

We also got a visit from Parker the therapy dog. In this picture his owner told him to sit and pose and he was looking for a reward treat!!

He even has his own business card!

What a sweet dog!

Another GORGEOUS picture in the hallway.

This one has a cup embedded in it.

And the word "Swirl" So beautiful!

I'm going to have to visit all of the floors to see what pictures they have on them! You know I'll be taking pictures to show you!


  1. Aw, well I hope today is better for your sweet hubby. Yeah, I probably would have turned down jello (ICK)also. :)

    What a sweet dog, and the people who bring them in to cheer patients up are wonderful.

    Love the pictures on the walls, so pretty!!

    Take care of yourself too, 'kay?

  2. I hope his recovery continues to progress well, Jeanette! How does he feel knowing the whole Internet is rooting for him? :D

  3. He's smiling, that's a good sign! The dog is almost smiling too. Y'all hang in there!

  4. He seems to be Loving the visit from the pooch!! I Love that!
    Here's to his Speedy recovery friend!!


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