Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! We had a pretty busy weekend. I was off on Friday so it was a extra long holiday weekend for me!

Saturday was a beautiful morning. Marie and I took a walk and then had breakfast. When we were done we stopped at the Plymouth Farmers Market and I bought a Foxglove to plant in our backyard. It's really pretty and it attracts hummingbirds!

Later in the day we went to Lowe's and I bought a May Night Salvia to plant in the same flower bed. This is supposed to attract hummingbirds, too!  I've already seen one on another bush so hopefully we'll see a lot more with these plants!

Pretty plants to decorate Tori's grave, which is under that rock. Speaking of that rock, I made Rich take (steal) it off the beach in Mackinaw City about 15 years ago! It was one of many rocks scattered around so I figured they wouldn't miss it! Now it marks where be buried our beloved Tori last year.

Anyway, we need one more plant for this side of the yard. I am not sure what I'm going to get but I hope to find something yellow or blue to mix up the colors a little bit. I did see a yellow iris but I'm not sure I want that. I plan on looking around a little bit first before I decide what I want.

We also have these hostas that need to be transplanted because they are right in the middle of the yard where our shed used to be. We'll probably put them along the back fence.

On Sunday we went to my brothers for a BBQ. They have a pool but the water temp was 70, which is WAY to cold to swim! Especially for me who must have at least 89 degrees before I go in! Little Dominic was having a blast sticking his feet in there, though!

Monday we had the kids over for a BBQ and to celebrate Chris and Marissa's birthdays. It was pretty hot out, too! It was a nice change from cool temperatures and a ton of rain that we had last week!

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend.

Let the white wearing begin!


  1. It will be a beautiful grave for Tori.

  2. So glad you had a good weekend! Your yard is lookin' pretty spiffy there. I've never seen that type of Salvia; nice!!

    My yard is gone, as in taken over by those weeds I tried to get rid of but they keep coming back; I got out there today and trimmed them back so the neighbors wouldn't holler too loud. This is the first year that I'm ashamed!!We are so dry; need rain very badly.

    Have a good rest of the week; it'll be the weekend again before you know it. :)

  3. Love those Hostas! Beautiful...
    We've been watering like crazy people! I hate to see the bill when it arrives!

  4. Looks like a fun weekend...pretty flowers and the hostas looks great! Have a good week1 :D

  5. Great choices on all of the plants!! Sounds like a fab weekend!

  6. Great choices!
    Absolutely fantastic!!

  7. I'm late,,but Happy Friday!!

  8. Thanks Jeanette for your sweet comment! I had fun doing the BPC Blog but feel it's time to move on. NOW, I can "play along" with the rest of you guys!Hahaa

  9. I love the two new plants you guys planted and hope they attract LOTS of hummingbirds. They're such cute little birdies. Your hostas look nice too--very full. I'm sure they'll look great along the fence line also.

    Love the pic of Dominic! He does look like he's having a blast! (He's so darned cute.)

    Glad you had a nice holiday weekend, SIL!


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February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!