Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yard Stuff And A Birthday Boy!

We're in full summer mode and it's not even officially summer, yet!

Friday I was off so I got the house cleaned up a little. This is what I dug out from under the stove and refrigerator.

See that beige colored little cup in the top center? That's the bolt cover from the toilet upstairs! I wondered what happened to it, now I know! Nothing in this house is safe from those cats!!

Then I went to a rummage sale at a local church. I got this stuff

Rope, three little dishes, a screwdriver set and a bag of miscellaneous beads. All for $5. I don't know why I bought the rope but I figured for 50 cents it may come in handy for something someday!

Saturday was Dominic's 1st birthday party. He was loving his cake!

Today we planted one more perennial in the flower bed.

This time it was a hydrangea. It's in full sun so I hope it does OK. We may have to shade it in July when it's really hot out so the leaves don't get burned. Now this side of the yard is finished! My friend Marie came over and took a couple hunks of one of our hostas so now we will be transplanting the rest of them.

I actually have been enjoying working outside this year so far.

Well, tomorrow starts another work week! Weekends sure do go by fast!

Have a good one!!


  1. Awwww, that little Dominic is a living doll baby! I know you could just pinch those cheeks. I can't believe he's already a year old! :)

    It's probably just as well that my yard has gone to pot; the heat and no rain has made it unbearable to be outside. Yours is looking so good!

    Hope you have a good week, buddy!

  2. I, too, am amazed at what our cats can find to play with, and like you said, sometimes things just go missing and you wonder if you'll ever see them again. Your sweeping adventure turned up quite a bit of treasure! LOL

    Glad you decided on your final garden plant. Your bed looks so nice!

    We were bummed that we had to miss Dominic's party, but we'd already committed to our church's Outdoor Spring Festival in January, and Tom was in charge of the entire concession area and a crew of 6 people, so there was no way he could back out, even as early as May (when we found out about his party). I'm so glad everyone took pics so we could see him tackle his cake! How adorable!

    Have a nice week, Net, and don't work too hard. Love you!

  3. LOL, I hope you sliced me a piece of that cake before he started tearing into it! Cutie pie! Glad to see that you have finished with your perennial plantings. They will give you years of enjoyment. And look at the deals you got! Hey, if that clothesline is cotton, that's the main ingredient for the coiled fabric bowls!

  4. And I did have to laugh about what was under your fridge!

  5. Sweet, sweet, baby.

    I think I'd be very afraid of what might be under my fridge.

  6. I'm late...Happy Birthday to little Dominic! He's a Doll!!!
    Love the bolt cover...Hahahaaa...
    Ain't cleaning an adventure with pets around?


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February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!