Monday, August 1, 2011

Crazy But Good Weekend

This past weekend was one of those weekends that just flew by..actually who am I kidding..they all fly by!

Anyway, it started on Friday. I was off as usual and we had AT@T come out and install u-verse. After many years with our original cable TV and  high speed Internet supplier, we got tired of their constantly rising bills and not so great service. AT@T was offering a super deal for their u-verse and so we decided to go for it. So Friday was the day. Normally on my days off I do the usual cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and floors. However, when I have someone working on something in the house, I pretty much can't do anything but pace around and wait for them to finish so I can get on with my life! He was there from 9:15 until approximately 3:00, so I didn't get much done that day!

In the evening we went to dinner with my dad. It was nice to spend some time with him.

(totally unrelated to this post picture of the rock in front of the house)

Saturday morning Marie and I walked a few miles and then had breakfast. After I dropped her off at her house I met my SIL Linda so we could go shopping for a shower gift. Then over to her house to wrap everything up! After I got home Rich and I went to visit his sister, (Hi Jackie!) who had back surgery last week. We had a very nice visit with her and her husband. Always nice to see them and she is recovering nicely!

Sunday I picked Shauna up, we drove to Linda's and went with her and her mom to a wedding shower for my nephew Mikes fiance, Sarah. It was a nice shower and I got to see some cousins that I don't see real often.

(another totally unrelated picture of a bunch of ducks in my neighbors backyard)

After the shower I came home and still had to go grocery shopping for the week. I don't know if I ever mentioned how much I hate grocery shopping?! Anyway, I do!  With the passion of a thousand suns!!! So I put it off every weekend until the last minute! If I ever win millions of dollars in the lottery, the first thing I going to do is hire a professional meal planner/grocery shopper!!

That was our busy weekend. And it continues to be hot here like every where else, but I'm not complaining because come January I'll be wishing for warm weather!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

Three weeks and counting to vacation!!


  1. Thanks for your visit. I just noticed the name of your blog, that it is a play on your! Sounds like a busy week. :D

  2. Busy, busy girl! Glad you had good times, but sorry it went so fast. My bro has UVerse and I think they like it. Would you believe I've never even had cable? Every now and then I think about it; would probably enjoy it for movies though.

    So, where are you going on vacation? :)

    Love ya, buddy!

  3. just like me..I'm the one to plan meals everyday!

  4. Busy weekend! I'm like that about having people working at the house. I just feel so discombobulated until they're done.
    Grocery shopping. Hate it.

  5. I usually just sit in my chair and wait for the "workers" to be done with whatever they are doing. Not much else I can do while they are here. Sounds like it was a really nice wedding shower.

  6. You are SO Busy Girl!!
    I own a plumbing company and I Hate repairmen...Hahahaaa...go figure!
    Don't forget to pick me up on your way to Vacation...Hahaaaa

  7. You had a weekend pretty much like mine!

    I haven't jumped to U-Verse yet. It seems like they take a long time getting it installed. I think they were at my daughter's house even longer than at yours! But then, they had every room and outside wired.


Please leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you!

February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!