Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Garage Sale Finds

Friday I went to a few garage sales. I had been a while since I did that due to it being too hot and me being too lazy! But it was cooler on Friday and I actually had some excess energy so off I went!

I admit I'm a sucker for anything cat related and how adorable are these two little kitties? They're about 3 inches big  and sit perfectly on the top of the doorway to the family room! And they were only a dollar!

I also got these cute silver earrings for 50 cents (why don't keyboards have a cent sign?). The ear wires are a little tarnished and need replacing which I don't think will be a problem!

I already took this necklace apart. I have plans to make a necklace and matching earrings with the pink and white stones.

I also bought a book and the pretty blue and white scarf was in a box marked "Free"!

And the inner sucker in me bought this pillow for 50 cents (where is that cent sign?) and now I'm wondering why!

It has cute embroidered cats on it but, it's not my style and I don't really like it! Oh well, maybe I'll try to sell it at my garage sale for a dollar and make a profit!

That's pretty much all I bought. Total spent: $3.50!

Just getting through the week and looking forward to vacation!


  1. Great finds!
    I don't know if there's an easier way but if you press you alt key and 0162 you should get a cents sign ¢ (it's tiny though).

  2. Cute Finds!!
    I 'wanna go on your vacation!!Hahaa

  3. You always find the best stuff! Hasn't been cool enough around these parts for garage sales. But, there's going to be a community one October 1st, and I'm gonna try to "unload" some of my stuff! LOL

    I can't wait for your vacation either!!

    Take care, buddy! Love ya!!

  4. wow..so cheap! Btw, hv u received yr gift?


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February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!