Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cleaning Pictures Off My Phone

Miscellaneous pictures taken here and there.

This sign was on a office door at work:

I promise not to DISTRUB you if you promise not to DISTRUB me!

These are someones panties hanging on the bar in the bathroom!

Shauna's boyfriend, Brad, won a trip to Las Vegas on the radio and they are there this weekend. I went to her apartment to check on the grandkitties

This is Stash.

And this is Wiggy!

They miss their mama!

These are hummingbird feeders we saw at a craft fair a few weeks ago. I thought they were pretty!

Went to a sweet estate sale on Friday. Got some great stuff that I will be showing you soon!


  1. PANTIES???Hahahahaa....
    You take GOOD pictures!!

  2. Cute kitties with cute names! Love'em!
    And, yes please! I will take one of those hum feeders! Too cool!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    xo, misha

  3. Good morning, buddy. I hate to distrub you, but have to say love this post. Hope Shauna and Brad are having a wonderful time!!

    You're a good grannie to the grandkitties. They're cute!!

    Hmmmmm- panties? HAHAHA!!

  4. Love the kitties and love the hummingbird feeders, but not the panties...hmm.
    When Jim and I were up north, we passed a store that had a handwritten sign - Be back in 15 minutes. 15 minutes from when? I thought it was so funny. They could have left days ago and no one really knew!


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Mock Fried Rice

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