Sunday, November 27, 2011

Half Done

Spent the first part of yesterday taping, and taping, and taping......

The top of the newel post made a great holder for the tape!

I started painting and it was going pretty slow. Then Rich helped me by painting one side while I painted the other. We got the first coat done in a hour, and the second coat done in about 45 minutes.

I meant it when I said I was a sloppy painter..

Took the tape off this morning and Rich did most of the clean up, while I went to the show to see Breaking Dawn with Shauna and my SIL Linda.

It still has to grow on me a little but I think the end result will be worth all the work!

What do you think?

This is why they were too busy to pay any attention to me?

Next week I'll start staining!


  1. I think you're doing a great job, and it's going to look magnificent. :)

  2. yes, Yes, YES! That looks so much better! It was definitely worth the time and trouble.

  3. I think it looks great! Good work too -- it looks like a difficult project.

  4. Oh, you did Great!!! Love the look!!!
    Hahaaa...poor Kitty...

  5. AWESOME JOB!!!!! I REEEEAAALLLYYY want to paint my house...maybe after the holidays and I get everything cleaned and put up!! Good Job!


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