Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day filled with family and good food! I did.

Yesterday I spent practically  the whole day painting! Never left the house until we went out to dinner last night!

But I think the stairs are going to look awesome!

I did one step at a time...taped then painted and then moved to the next one. I find taping and prep work to be such a pain but I can be a sloppy painter! Half way down the staircase I ran out of blue tape and had to use paper tape, which I don't like nearly as much!

I even did a few tentative swipes on one of the spindles! I think they are going to look just fine!

I know a lot of people would never dream of painting over that wood but our house has so much oak trim and all of our doors are oak, so I figured I could spare some!

Today I am going to go out to breakfast with my friend and then start the process of painting the spindles. Should have all of it done before the weekend is over!

I may even get the Christmas trees up!


  1. Great job! You will be amazed as to how much brighter it will be! Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. We did too!

  2. The stairs will look so nice and clean. I like the spindles painted white.

  3. You're on a roll, girl. It's gonna look SO good!!

    Have a happy day! :)

  4. I'm about to pass out from all the WORK Girl!!Hahaaa...Wow!!
    Don't overdo!!!

  5. Cannot wait to see the finished project! I love wood painted white :)
    Happy belated Thanksgiving :)
    xo, misha

  6. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend! Have a great week my friend!


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