Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Perspective

Well, since I have had a chance to sleep on it I've decided not to paint the stairs after all.

Seems that they need to be sanded a whole lot more than we did before and so that's what were going to have to do.

After the holidays, though. I'm just going to have to live with them for now. We are having company but it's just family and they don't care!

So I spent today doing this:

Christmas tree collection. 

Mom's village

Family room tree

Living room tree

Banister...think it will attract attention from the ugly stairs?

These are old, old ornaments that belong to my grandmother. I have lots more than this and need to find some way to display them all.

I got this liquor bottle idea from  a craft show a few weeks ago. They were priced between $15-$25 depending on the size.

I just took a bottle we had and drank the rest of the gin in it. Then I stuffed a small light set inside and wrapped this little decoration on top. It looks really good sitting here in the kitchen.

(I didn't really drink the gin. Only because I didn't have any Squirt to put it in! The bottle was almost empty and I just dumped it down the drain.)

Tomorrow I took the day off work. I have to get our microwave fixed. It's amazing how many pots and pans you use when you don't have a microwave!

Then I have to get my hair cut because me and Loreal Light Golden Brown have a date sometime this week!

Have a good one!!


  1. I'm glad that you are reconsidering on the stairs! Wow, you sure got busy this weekend with the pretty decorating! LOL, love the idea about the liquor bottle being "lit up"!

  2. So beautiful! You're a decorator extradinaire. Love everything! :)

  3. busy as Christmas is just around the corner..

  4. The house is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. What great ideas (the bottle in particular) you have. I am tired just from looking at all your work!

  5. I like the stairs just like they are! But, I must confess, I just like Wood!Hahaa
    LOVE your decorations!!!


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