Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

So I'm just a little late on the Happy New Year wishes. We spent a very low key New Years Eve...barely staying awake until 12:00, and then hitting the decks because of all the gun shots going on outside!

Spent New Years Day just hanging out at home, slowly putting away the Christmas stuff. Got all done except for the trees.  I was off today so I took the trees down and cleaned up the house. Looks back to normal once again!

I meant to show you all the beautiful Waterford ornament my son and daughter-in-law gave me for Christmas.

The picture doesn't show the pretty blue color very well but take my word for it, it's gorgeous!

The only New Years resolution I ever made and actually kept was last year when I vowed that I would not buy a new purse for the whole year. And I didn't. But the year's over now and I got a Kohl's gift card from Rich for Christmas so what better way to spend it? Behold!

Once again the picture doesn't show the colors very well but it's a soft lavender and grey. So pretty and the perfect size for what I need!

I have a busy week ahead of me at work.  My coworker needs to take another week off to take care of her mom's estate business so I'm on my own still. Only now it's no longer the holiday and things will be much busier. At least it's a short week again.

Well, I hope that 2012 brings you all peace and love! I am going to try to blog more, comment more on other blogs and try to get more followers! Wish me luck!


  1. The ornament IS gorgeous! Love the purse also. :)

    My wish for you this year; good health, happy times, and God's richest blessings for you all. ((HUGS))

  2. Love the ornament and that Purse!
    Take it easy this week...I'm so glad it's another short week too!

  3. Wow, the ornament is gorgeous! What a nice gift to receive from one of your kids.

    And I like your purse too! Purse shopping is always so fun. You showed a lot of restraint for not buying any last year! LOL

    Our New Years was pretty low-key also. Tom & I are hoping that the new year will mean good things for us, and we were actually GLAD to see 2011 come to a close. We hope 2012 will be awesome for you guys too, Net. Hugs!

  4. beautiful ornament and purse! what a tough new years resolution cause i love purses! glad you made it though! happy new year!

  5. Pretties! I love the colors even if the photos don't do them justice!

    Late Happy New Year to you. I am finally home and back in the internet world again!


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