Friday, February 3, 2012

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Memories

Yay! The Brenda Photo Challenge is back!

This one is all about Memories! Most of my favorite memories involve Rich and the kids!

This was taken in October 1977 at my grandparents 50th anniversary party. We had been married for 7 months. We were feeling pretty good in this picture if you know what I mean!! Rich was wearing a light blue leisure suit! Remember those? So popular in the 70's!

Chris was about 2 1/2 years old in this picture. Him and Rich used to stack his blocks up as high as possible. This one was about 5 feet tall! A record!

This is my all time favorite picture of Rich and Shauna. She used to sleep on his lap all of the time. They both woke up the second I took the picture!

This was my mom's mom. She died when I was 16 years old. She lived with us for the last year or so of her life so we were especially close to her. I still miss her to this day.

This is just a fraction of my memories....go HERE to see other great memories.
Thanks Brenda for arranging this challenge!


  1. What a step through time! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Awwww, such sweet, sweet memories! I especially like the one of Shauna asleep in her dad's lap. Did he always fall asleep too? :)

    Have a wonderful day and weekend, buddy.


  3. Loved sharing those memories with you.

  4. What wonderful memories. I wish my mom would have come to live with us, but being who she is that was not to be.

  5. Beautiful memories Miz Jeannette. The photos are super special and I too love the one of your sleeping darlings.

  6. Wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love the one of your husband and daughter. Great memories. Thanks for sharing.

  8. seems the daddy daughter pic is the hands down winner :))
    loved them all -
    thanks for sharing your memories with us

  9. Beautiful family memories. Love the block stack and of course the sleeping picture.

  10. Oh Yeah!!!Hahahaa....the blue leisure suit!! What a Blast they were!
    Love these Friend!!!

  11. Such sweet memories. I was very close to my Grandmama as she lived less than a mile from us and I stayed with her a lot in her last few years of her life because of her health. I still miss her so much.


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