Sunday, December 21, 2014

6 weeks?

Just popping in to say hi and in case you are not friends with me on Facebook, I am still around..

Just busier than I ever want to be!

To catch you up:

Shauna and Brad moved into their new house last week. We worked from 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. There is new meaning to the work exhausted but it looks nice and they are over the moon happy! More details later!

Work has been crazy busy but I also am taking my share of time off. I have to work through Christmas but I have New Years Eve off and don't go back to work until the following Monday.

I had 27 people at my house for Thanksgiving and trying to get a house with 5 cats ready for company is always monumental...but I loved it and we had a blast. It was so nice to see my four little great nephews runnning around!

I have the day off again tomorrow to go with my Dad to the VA hospital. I want to meet his new doctor and make sure they are taking good care of him!

I'll be back before too long with a proper post!

Until then...

Merry Christmas to all of you!


  1. Well, HEY!

    I hope it goes well with the dr tomorrow for your dad.

    So excited for Shauna and Brad; it's a wonderful feeling to have a new place to call home. I hope they have many wonderful times at their house. MAY is coming up soon now!!

    Enjoy the time you do have off, and have a blessed and Merry Christmas, buddy.


  2. Glad to see you back here, Young Lady!!!

  3. Moving is always so very tiring. But at the end, there is usually such a good feeling.

    If I don't make contact before - Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas and I hope all is well with your Dad.

  5. Hi, I was happy to see that you posted again. I was hoping that all was well.

    Moving is a lot of work, but at least Shauna and Brad are all settled in. By the way, Merry Christmas to you and your family... :)

  6. Seems you're as bad at blogging as of late, as I am!!!Hahaaaa
    Misery loves company!Hahaa
    Happy New Year!


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Mock Fried Rice

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