Saturday, May 9, 2015

Finally May, 2015!

Happy May, 2015! The month that 18 months ago sounded so very far away! But here it finally is and at the end of the month we  have Shauna and Brads wedding!

But I am jumping ahead of myself! Lets get to the shower first!

After months of planning and preparing (and losing a few nights sleep!) we finally showered Shauna with love and presents on the 12th of April!

The favors were decorated bottles of nail polish! Here they are all done and packed up to go!

That's the best picture I got of them, though!

We had it an Antonio's, a beautiful Italian restaurant by our house and I can't say enough about the food and the service! They were fantastic!

There was so many people there that I hadn't see in a long time!

Plus I got to meet Brad's sweet grandma, who lives in Canada! Shauna loves her and I can see why!

 She got lots of wonderful presents!

Everyone had a good time and the food was fantastic. They all loved their little nail polish favors!

I was so busy and didn't get a chance to take a lot of the pictures I wanted to take! The day just flew by!

I did however make sure to have my picture taken with Karen my oldest friend (left) and Marie my best friend!

It was a great day and a lot of fun in the end!

Now on to the wedding in 3 weeks!


  1. Mother Of The Bride is soooooooo much fun! I can see right away why you all like Grandma. Her niceness just shines in the photo. Have fun.

  2. 3 weeks? Oh my, yes indeed that past 18 months have flown by!

    So, so happy the shower was a huge success. LOVE the pics, buddy. You look wonderful. :)


    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Congratulations on what looked to be a beautiful shower. The favors were so clever!

  4. Congratulations to the bride and the groom..and to you too!

  5. It looks like the shower turned out great and the nail polish favors was a cute idea.

    By then way, I like your new header and Happy Mother's Day!


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