Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Wedding Part V: The Ceremony

Due to the ongoing rain, and the fact that there was thunder and lightening 1/2 hour before the ceremony was to begin, we had to have it on the patio instead of the lawn. So much for that beautiful view but really, who needed it because the ceremony was beautiful!

Here are the only pictures I have of the procession down the aisle. Sorry everything is so dark but it was cloudy and rainy and not very bright out!

Me being escorted by Chris.

Shauna being walked down the aisle by her dad.

Chris and Brad watching Shauna and Rich.

Shaking Brads hand.

My son Chris was the officiant! When I first found out a year ago that they were planning this I was a little skeptical! He had never done anything like that before! I just couldn't see him taking it seriously! But he went online and got a certificate as an ordained minister and that made it legal for him to perform weddings in the state of Michigan. He wanted to do that for his sister and Shauna and Brad were thrilled, to say the least!

He did an excellent job!

We did a wine box ceremony where Shauna and Brad wrote letters to each other,  me and Sandy wrote letters to them and we put them all in a wine box with a bottle of wine.  This is to be opened if they hit a rough spot or to celebrate their 5th anniversary.

Then Chris pronounced them husband and wife! And they kissed!

This is one of my favorite pictures of the wedding because it was a very nice first kiss as husband and wife and Chris looks so happy! It was actually kind of funny because Shauna and Brad are not much for PDA's but that kiss was a good one!

Chris introduced them and they walked back down the aisle as a newly wed couple!

The whole thing was only about 15 minutes long but it was sweet and beautiful!

Next: The Wedding Part VI The Reception


  1. SO very sweet! I just think it was awesome that Chris wanted to do
    that for his sister; and it shows what a great family you have and children
    you raised.

    Shauna's dress is so beautiful, I love the train! Thank you so much,
    buddy, for sharing those wonderful moments with us. :)


  2. How nice - to have your brother officiate! Beautiful time.


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