Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Wedding Part VI: The Reception

After the ceremony was over everyone walked into the banquet room where there was hors d'oeuvres (definitely had to look that word up!)  to eat and an open bar to utilize as the guests waited for the bridal party and others to have pictures taken.

Right after they were introduced they had their first dance

Then dinner was served. Someone took this picture of the whole room during dinner. I love it!

Now you can see the head table. It was decorated with flowers in vases on both ends, and in the middle were vases of water that the bridesmaids put their flowers in after they came in the room! I thought that was an excellent idea! Towards the middle of the table you can see the wine box that was part of the ceremony!

After dinner Shauna and Brad cut the cake.

And then visited with everyone at the individual tables.

Then Shauna danced with Rich and Brad danced with his mom and soon everyone was on the dance floor and the party started!

I won't bore you with a bunch of dancing pictures but the music was good, the drinks were flowing and everyone had a wonderful time!

Then in the blink of an eye it was over and we were cleaning up the hall and heading to the hotel and bed!

Next: The Wedding Part VII: The Aftermath


  1. So much beauty; from the bride and groom, to the table decorations. I especially love the father/bride dance. Such a wonderful moment in time. Love it all, buddy. :)


  2. I loved the outdoor picture with that very green grass in the background. I know you all must have had a lovely time.

  3. Weddings are so romantic. The head table was set beautifully and I really loved the view of the room, too... :)


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