Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Backing up....

OK Before I go any further on our East Coast Vacation, I want to back up to before we got to Bar Harbor, Maine.

On the Saturday before we left home, Rich and I, along with my brother Jim and his wife Helen and my brother Tom and his wife Debbie took the class we had to take to get our CPL (Concealed Pistol License). It was an all-day class, part in the classroom and part in the range. By the time we got home I had to do some laundry, go to the grocery store and pack! We didn't get to sleep until after midnight and we wanted to be on the road early, at the butt-crack of dawn as we like to say!

On Sunday we drove a little over 500 miles through Canada into New York.

We made a brief stop in Niagara Falls, NY for lunch and to walk around a little. Big mistake because it was hot, and crowded and expensive! I think I'm done with that place now! The falls are cool, though!

This is the Horseshoe Falls from the American side. They are building a new viewing area and it's going to be pretty awesome when its done!

We only stayed a hour or so and then back on the road to our first stop at a hotel in Schenectady. I chose that place because I like to say the name! Anyway, we stayed at a very nice hotel with a great restaurant across the street for dinner. We did not go exploring because we needed rest and had to get on the road again early the next morning.

We finally reached Maine in the early afternoon and had a picnic lunch in the welcome center.

As a side note: In all the states we traveled through, no one does rest stops and picnic areas as good as Michigan! We always pack a cooler full of food and snacks so we don't spend a lot of  money eating out. Trying to find somewhere pull over and have a picnic lunch was a nightmare! There were no places like that anywhere! A few times we just ate in a parking lot of a store!  The picnic area at the welcome center in Maine was literally the only picnic table we saw!

Anyway, a few hours after we had lunch we were at Stephen Kings house in Bangor. I mentioned it again because I want to show you a aerial picture I took off the web.

When I said his house was huge, I meant really huge! Its the size of at least four more houses behind the original house! Plus the out building you see to the right I read is his writing studio. I also read that the white house in the upper right corner belongs to him, too, and sometimes he goes there and watches the people that come to look at his house! This is just stuff I read!

Here's the best shot I could get of his house without stepping onto the property. If you look carefully toward the back there is two men carrying a long white box up the driveway toward the out building.  I couldn't say for sure because I couldn't see them well enough but the one on the right could possibly be the man himself!!!!

Anyway, next post I promise will be all about Bar Harbor!

Until then.....


  1. Whoa - you guys did a lot of riding that first day - 500 miles! That's huge..

    King's house and surroundings? Unbelievable! I clicked on the last pic and yes, I do believe that's "himself" carrying the box. No, not really. But, that's a great photo you got there, buddy. Close! :)

    I will have to say that at least here in FL we do have lots of places off the I10 to stop, rest, eat, etc.

    Looking forward to the rest of your trip.

  2. The guy in the white shirt does look a bit like Mr. King's body shape.
    I think the long white box they are carrying is probably a coffin!

  3. When I saw the picture from the front of the house I thought to myself that it was really small. But the aerial - OMG!!!

    Your 500 mile drive is what the kids and I call a death march! Of course now that we travel to the ranch once a month, I guess it wouldn't be so bad. We are on the road with that 5 1/2 hours.

    Looking forward so to the Bar Harbor pictures. We weren't there long enough to see much.


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Mock Fried Rice

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