Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What's Going On

I'm not surprised to see how  infrequently I posted this year. Seems that time gets away from me and before I know it, it's almost a month since my last post! I thought after the wedding I would post more but apparently not. Oh well, my New Year resolution is to try to post at least once a week!

Anyway, since I last left you this is what I have been doing.

Shauna and I got our crafty on the week before Thanksgiving. This is what we made:



It's a little hard to tell from the picture but Shauna sprayed hers with sparkle, which explains why it's outside!

We had 29 people here for Thanksgiving. Chris and Marissa did not make it because she had a kidney stone but pretty much the rest of the family was there! Lots of work but worth it! I even found a perfect bottle of coke to have at the beverage station!

My friend Marie gave me some beads that she found that match perfect with a skirt she has and she asked me to make her a bracelet.

I had so many beads left over that I made her a necklace and earrings, too

Got most of the decorating up for Christmas.

One fireplace has my collection of snowmen and the other has my collection of mini Christmas trees.

And speaking of mini Christmas is my latest one.

Although I swore I was not going to buy any more Christmas decorations, this was on sale at Michael's for 50% off! How could I pass that up?

The family festivities are not at our house this year but I think I will be having a New Year party/Birthday party for Rich who will be turning the big 6-0 in January 4th!

This weekend will be spent Christmas shopping because as usual I am behind with no clue what to get anyone!

Until the next time.....


  1. Girl!

    First, I'm so happy to see you here; I've missed you.

    Secondly, wow y'all have been busy little beavers. I love yours and Shauna's crafts, and the jewelry for Marie. So pretty.

    I'm sorry Shauna missed Thanksgiving, and hope she's much better now. Have always heard how painful that is.


  2. I'm so glad to see your post. We just don't get the "meat" of your life on Face Book. Your decorations are beautiful! I so enjoy all the light the decorations give off this time of year.
    As I look back, the Big 6-0, seemed Big at the time, but very small at this time in my life. LOL

  3. Time does just fly doesn't it? I love your decorations. The granddaughters came to help me put out the outside ones, but nothing has been done inside. Doubt it will either! I will just look at your pictures.


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...