Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Photo February #10

This plant is in one of the elevator lobbys at work. I think it's a jade plant but I'm not sure. I didn't think they grew that big. 

Anyway I love it. I broke off a small piece to see if it will root. 

Until tomorrow. 


  1. Very pretty plant. I had a thought about what
    it was until I read jade - which it probably
    is. It just reminds me of something else;
    but don't pay any attention to me. As my
    brother likes to say I'm more or less
    squirrely these days.


  2. Jade Plant--yes.
    Someone takes very good care of it, it is shaped so nicely.
    I have done the "snip and steal" from plants in the garden center, just to see if I could root them. Usually I fail. LOL

  3. Yes it is a jade plant. After it roots, just take care with the watering. They tend to rot easily. And just how do I know this????? Hmmmmmm!

  4. Excuse me, where art thou? :)


  5. That is a gorgeous jade plant. It is being very nicely taken care of


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