Sunday, April 30, 2017

Big Project

About 3-4 months ago we ripped the old, crappy blue carpet out of our living/dining room. It was there when we bought the house and after almost 17 years and 5 cats it was pretty worn out and gross! 

Every time I had to clean that room the carpet caused me stress, and since I am trying to eliminate some of the stress in my life, we decided to rip the carpet up. I have no pictures of that process but here is the room after the carpet was gone and we had it painted. 

That was several weeks before we went on vacation!

After we got back we needed to get serious about doing something with the floor. 

We decided on  laminate and we also decided to install it ourselves. The color we picked is called Hometown Hickory Sable.  We tried to match it as closely as we could to the wood floor that is in the kitchen and front foyer.  After we measured the floor so we knew how much we would need,  I ordered it online and in a few days we were picking it up from H⥁me Depot. 

It took us a while and several youtube videos to figure out how to start, where to start and how to actually install the floor. We started on Sunday and worked all day. By the time we were done for the day we had about 1/3 of the floor installed. We were taking our time and trying to do a good job.

I went to work in Monday but Rich took the day off and continued to work on the floor. By the time I got home he had the floor abut 2/3 done.  Then we worked on it together on Tuesday, Wednesday (except I dropped my phone and shattered it so I spent a few hours at the phone store getting a new one!), Thursday Friday and part of Saturday! 

Believe it or not we were having 20+ people over for Easter Sunday! Here it is with the floor laid and set up for Easter. There is no shoe molding yet but it wasn't very noticeable. 

Here you can see the wood floor (bottom right) that is in the front foyer. I think we did a pretty good job matching the color, although the light shining on the wood floor makes it look a lot lighter.  Also the boards go in opposite directions but it looks fine. 

Last weekend we finally finished the shoe molding. We had to buy it on Friday night, Rich cut it  and I stained it on Saturday and Rich installed it on Sunday.  Believe it or not we still have the thresholds to go but we're having a hard time finding the right transition molding that will work between the two floors.

It was a lot of hard work but totally worth it!

 I'll leave you with a picture of Maxwell getting a bath before making his first family holiday debut at our house on Easter.

He was a hit!!

Until the next time.....


  1. The floor looks great. I like the color. I remember when my husband and I did ours. It was one of those projects that when we were done we were reminded of just how old we

  2. WOW! The ugly blue carpeting is gone!!
    The flooring is a great color.
    And Maxwell--well what can I say about Max. He is THE MAN!!!

  3. Well, of course that sweet boy was a hit! He's precious. :)

    The floor looks great, Buddy. I really like the color. I've never attempted on my own, however I did spend a lot of time help bro and sis-in-law theirs. Then, they move. Oh well.



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Mock Fried Rice

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