Saturday, June 3, 2017


Well it's been a little over a month since my last post. Seems to be my pattern now, once a month!

Work has been stressful but that's nothing new. My coworker got another job and will be leaving after next week. Thankfully we have a float who can cover until they hire someone. My coworker actually has been trying to find another job for about 2 1/2 years so it's almost a relief to not have to wonder anymore when she'll be leaving!  I wish her luck!

My lilac bush did fantastic this year! I think it's the best it ever has been!

They finally laid my dad's headstone a few weeks ago.

I miss him . It's still weird to go out to dinner on Friday nights and not have him there!

But, this little sweetheart has completely stolen my heart!

 Shauna went back to work and her mother-in-law is babysitting. I am so thankful that he doesn't have to go to daycare right now!

Shauna misses him though and I think he misses her, too.

Giving her the look of love!

Here he is passed out after being at a Memorial Day barbecue! Love his little plaid shorts!

Anyway, we have a little trip planned in a few weeks just for a couple nights. Hoping to see a glorious sunset on Lake Michigan.

Then we get to babysit for the weekend when Shauna and Brad go camping! Looking forward to that for sure!

Until the next time......


  1. Well, HEY! I was just wondering about you, and looking forward to hearing about what's going on.

    That little Maxwell is just SO SO SO stinkin' cute. My goodness, he's losing that newborn look; he was cute then too of course! Shauna looks great! I know that feeling of going back to work and leaving the new baby home. And, how wonderful no daycare. That's a relief I'm sure to all of you. :)

    Welcome back, buddy.


  2. Your lilac is so pretty. I can almost smell the heavenly scent. That little guy is just as cute as can be

  3. Babies are so darn cute. They make everything seem better. Sorry about your dad.

  4. Max is the cutest little guy!!!! Glad you're going to get away for some R & R. Sunset over Lake Michigan--that could mean a lot of places. Frankfort, Traverse City, Mackinaw City, St. Ignace. I'm jealous of seeing any of those places.

  5. Awww Jeanette! He's just too sweet! I really miss my grand's being little...
    I'm getting really terrible about blogging! I really do intend to post more but friggin' life just gets in the way and I get sidetracked...

  6. Your lilacs are wonderful. Mine barely bloomed this year. Such an adorable baby boy! Aren't they the best!!!!!


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...