Sunday, August 20, 2017

Summer Marching On

Between working and trying to spend as much time as I can with Maxwell the summer days are flying by!

When we moved my dad out of his house I kept a few things that had some meaning to me. One of those was my moms old hand mixer. I have many memories of my mom making cakes with it and licking the frosting off of the beaters.

When I took it from my dads house it worked just fine, but when I went to actually use it to make a cake the motor seized and that was that! I took a few pictures for the memories and off it went into the scrap pile!

Last weekend I flew to Florida to celebrate my friend Celia's 60th birthday with her. I flew to Ft. Myers, rented a car, drove from Ft. Myers to Cape Coral (only about 11 miles), rented a hotel room all by myself. My friend Karen, who knew Celia as long as I have was going to go with me but changed her mind because her elderly mother is in and out of the hospital and she didn't want to take the chance she would buy a ticket and then not be able to go.

When I checked into the hotel this gift bag was waiting for me.

It had snacks, sunblock, aspirin, sunglasses, candy and a sea shell. It was a nice surprise!

Friday night there was a party in a hall and on Saturday she had a bunch of people over her house for a luncheon. It was good to see her as I hadn't seen her in 25 years! As a matter of fact, she lived in Houston at the time and after I visited her there we lost touch. Thanks to FB we reconnected!

On Sunday morning before I headed to the airport to fly back home I went to a local beach so I could stick my feet in the ocean!

The water was so warm I wish I would have had time to go swimming!

I really enjoyed spending time with my friend and traveling by myself for a short time. I would have like to spend more time going places but I had to get back, plus Florida  in the summer gives humidity a whole new meaning! Jeez!!!

Lastly but most important is my little Maxwell!

He's 7 months old already! He rolls all over the place and in just the past few days  learned that he can motivate himself forward by tucking his legs under and then pushing his body forward! Plus he laughs and sings and yells, and also is developing a little bit of a temper!

I am watching him on Thursday and Friday next week while Shauna and Brad work and I can't wait!

Until the next time!!


  1. Aw too bad about the mixer. It would be nice to travel alone. I may have to try it sometime. What a little cutie pie Maxwell is

  2. awe Maxwell!! Look at that little cute guy; goodness 7 months already? I can hardly believe how fast those months have gone! He's ADORABLE, buddy. :)

    I'm so glad you had a good time with your friend here in humidity land. How awesome to be together for her birthday.

    Also glad to see you here!


  3. Did you feel like a woman of the world? Traveling all alone?
    You and Celia resemble each other. Oh what fun you are going to have this week!!

  4. I have my mother-in-laws- old mixed. It is still running, I just never use it! Your Maxwell is so cute!!


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Mock Fried Rice

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