Saturday, August 31, 2019

Part3-Oh look! It's a real deck!

EDIT: The inspector came and the deck passed with flying colors!

For all intents and purposes, the deck is finished.

The inspector from the Building Department is coming on Tuesday. We have to leave the bottom open so he can see underneath it but we are not anticipating any problems. We built it as close to code as we possibly could!

One of the last things to do was putting this handrail on.

After the inspector looks at it and declares it good we can finally close up the bottom and put our table and chairs on it. Not that we haven't been sitting on it already, it's just that according to the city you're not supposed to do that until after the final inspection.

Each phase of building this deck had it's own set of problems we had to puzzle out. The easiest part was by far the railings between the posts and the balusters! I helped as much as I could but Rich did the majority of the work while I was at work!

Kudos and all the credit goes to my hard working husband!

I'll post a final picture at the end of this week when it's all closed up on the bottom.

Until then.


  1. Wow, buddy. The deck looks beautiful! I'm so happy y'all have a nice place to sit and visit. Good work, guys! :)


  2. Rich did an amazing job, the deck is lovely. I hope you have a lot of enjoyable days sitting on it.


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