Saturday, September 21, 2019

More Deck and other things

Deck is completely done, inspected and we are using it daily!

We got everything cleaned up and the grass back to as normal as it's going to get this year! All the wood laying around and the clay and dirt took a toll on it but we're hopeful it will all come back in the Spring!

I took this past week off of work and we spent one night in Traverse City. The water levels are still pretty high right now as shown in these pictures. Part of a board walk on a canal is closed because it's under water!

We also took a drive to Leland and Fishtown. This normal little flowing dam was raging and the water was threatening to come over the boardwalk into the little stores!

I also painted our front and back doors a beautiful blue.  I only took pictures of the front door though. 

And of course I spend as much time as I can with these two adorable guys!

Maxwell is 2 years 8 months and what can I say? He's a 2 year old and tries his mom daily! But he's talking up a storm and so darn cute. He doesn't try me because I let him have pretty much anything he wants! He's so sweet and loving and laughs all of the time. He loves trucks of all kinds;  the garbage and recycle trucks especially! Shauna and Brad had a big tree cut down in front of their house and new landscaping put in and Maxwell was over the moon for a few days watching all of the happenings around his house! He is my heart!

Levi is going to be 1 year old next Friday the 27th already! He's just starting walking a little and takes 4-5 steps but if you crouch down for him to walk to you he gets so excited he falls down right away and then crawls like crazy to get to you!  He's incredibly affectionate and loves to be held and cuddled  and reaches out to me as soon as he sees me! He gives kisses and says "uh oh" and "wow" and "mama" and looks more and more like his dad the older he gets! He is my heart also and both of these boys make my life worth living!

Anyway, that's all for now.

Until the next time...


  1. The deck is beautiful. I'm so glad you didn't use lattice boards for the bottom part.
    The door also sets off the color of your home nicely and.....those two little boys are priceless, aren't they?

  2. Levi & Maxwell are adorable. I love your deck and that blue door.

  3. Hello?

    I left a comment here. lol


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. : )
    Your deck looks great and I love your blue door.


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...