Saturday, October 19, 2019


Not a whole lot going on right now. Summer is officially over and we are deep into Fall.

The trees are changing and they are beautiful I suppose, but truthfully I am over it! Changing leaves only mean one thing to me anymore, Winter is coming! 

Shauna, Brad's mom Sandy and I took a glass snowman nightlight workshop a few weeks ago. You get a tray with all the glass pieces you need like this. I picked a green background because my small bathroom is green. The instructor tells you how to put it together.

And you end up with a cute little snowman nightlight! Here's mine.

Then she takes them home and puts them in her kiln and we get them back in a few weeks.

It was fun and nice to get out of the house, especially for Shauna!

Rich's sister Judy came into town to see her daughter last week. She lives in South Carolina, Anyway, we picked her up at the airport and took her to the casino for lunch. Then she spent the night with us and her daughter picked her up the next day. It was so nice to spend time with her!

We took the boys to the cider mill today. Maxwell being 2 at first didn't want to put socks on or shoes or a jacket so we could go but we eventually talked him into it. Boy, 2 year olds are tuff and if I recall 3 is even worse! Anyway, as soon as he gets a little older it will be Levi's turn to be 2 and 3! Good thing Shauna and Brad have lots of patience!

They're so stinkin' cute though, aren't they??

That's it for now. 

Rich will be installing a new kitchen sink for us in the next week so I'll tell you all about it!

Until then!


  1. So nice to see you here, buddy. Yes, those two little stinkers are so adorable. I know you both enjoy them even having to persuade Maxwell. LOL

    We are finally getting a tad cooler, but not by much. Y'all are into fall and upcoming winter, but we're in a between stage right now.

    Glad y'all had a nice visit with Rich's sister; there's not much better than to enjoy family. We don't get together as much as we used to, and I kind of miss it. At least, they way it was.

    I love the snowman, and more importantly spending time with your girl. :)


  2. Your grandsons are adorable.
    I love the snowman light plate it's so cute.
    We've finally got cooler weather but I can't say we're really into fall yet, it's slow coming this year. Our neighbor's apple tree has even started budding again.


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