Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sunday Browsing

Last Sunday Rich was busy doing his Uber eats deliveries and I didn't feel like doing anything like cleaning or another chore that always needs doing.

It was nice and sunny out so I thought I would take a walk somewhere.

Downtown Plymouth was having their annual trick or treat for the kiddies so I knew it would be crowded. Shauna and Brad took the boys there and said it was crazy how crowded it was.

Maxwell gets a little overwhelmed when he's in a crowd!

I decided to talk a walk in the next closest downtown, which is Northville.

They had a pretty cool skeleton display.

This one was cute with dogs chasing a cat up a tree! Or maybe it was a squirrel. Couldn't tell for sure!

This one was in front of a jewelry store. Skeleton proposal! If you look close you can see the ring is a spider ring!

This skeleton was fishing in the fountain!

This skeleton was Audrey Hepburn. 

This car was parked on the street. 

There was all sorts of creepy crawlies glued on it!

There was a lot more I didn't get pictures of . 

I may go back and take Rich with me so he can see and then I'll take more pictures!

Until the next time!!


  1. Maxwell is such a cutie & I don't blame him, crowds can be a little overwhelming.
    I love those skeletons, I think I may have a few ideas for next Halloween.

  2. Wow, that town goes all out with the skeletons, don't they! Sounds like you had a good time with Max.

  3. Every year there seems to be more and more Halloween decorations out!!


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