Monday, February 17, 2020

February Photo a Day #17

Got the oil changed in my Equinox on Saturday.

Along with the oil change I got a bottle of water, 2 suckers, form to sendin for  $15 towards the next oil change and a coupon for a free car wash!

I took advantage of the car wash  because my car was filthy!

Until tomorrow.


  1. I hate that I have to take my vehicle somewhere to get the oil changed now. Wade used to always do it. I could use a car wash too. Mine looks horrible.

  2. Ugh...we need a carwash too. This snow/winter weather is wearing thin, yeah, I said it, grin. Have a great day, friend.

  3. Great deal you got with the oil change! Always good to take care of car maintenance!


  4. I once rented an Equinox and fell in love. Lucky you, I hope it works well.


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