Thursday, February 20, 2020

February Photo a Day #20

I've been off all this week and spending a lot of time with my daughter and grandsons.

We took the kids to a play place called Tiny Tots yesterday. Here they are playing in the ball pit.

Or what I like to call a cesspool of germs!

Until tomorrow!


  1. How fun hanging out with the grandkids. LOL on the cesspool of germs.

  2. (((Big smiles))) I wanna play, smiles. Have a great day friend.

  3. Oh yes, my sentiments exactly, but the kids seem to love them. Enjoy the time with your family.

  4. Looks like fun for them, but yes, you are so right!

  5. Fun times but I agree, lots of germs grow in those ball pits!


  6. LOL. Yes, wipe them (the kids) down with some purell. :)


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