Friday, February 21, 2020

February Photo a Day #21

This is my refrigerator. I have a ton of magnets from our travels.

The ones on the left are from out of state and the right are our travels in Michigan.

Until tomorrow


  1. Wow, you've done a lot of traveling. I have maybe 2 that are from places I've been and then a couple more that someone gave to me from their trips.

  2. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love your kitchen well, what I can see of it, grin. Have a great day friend. (I dont have but 2 magnetics on our fridge)

  3. So fun to have them all in sight so you can think of the memories each time you pass by!

  4. That's a colorful refrigerator. Lost of memories to look at as you open it.

  5. cool magnets! I used to save magnets from everywhere we visited and put them on the fridge. Then we had a fridge that wasn't metal so the magnets wouldn't stick, LOL, so stopped that. Grandson likes to put things on the fridge that are magnets so thankfully our new fridge is magnet friendly :)



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