Sunday, February 23, 2020

February Photo a Day #23

This is the china tea set my dad sent to my grandmother from "Occupied Japan" in 1952 or 1953 when he was serving in the Korean War.

My grandmother gave it to me when she moved out of her house and into a senior citizen apartment many years ago.

I don't think it has ever been used to serve tea, though! I am always afraid I will break something!

Until tomorrow.


  1. Lovely. I'd be worried to death I'd break something if I used it.

  2. Very beautiful, thank you for sharing. smiles.

    Have a great day, friend.

  3. I used to collect little cups and I have one where it say it's from Occupied Japan on the bottom. It's interesting to have unusual thing, I think, and your set is very pretty.

  4. It's beautiful and I think you should plan a tea party!


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