Friday, February 7, 2020

February Photo a Day #7

Shauna and Brad got me a cast iron skillet for my birthday.  Never owned one and never cooked on one.

Made these pork chops by following a you tube video.

They were good..could have been a little more tender. Next time I'll use bone-in ones. 

Until tomorrow.


  1. I used to use a cast iron skillet a long time ago when I was married to my first husband. He took it when he moved out. My son later bought me a set of them for Christmas one year. I have never used them. I should pull them out

  2. We only use cast iron skillets; we love them.

  3. ohhhhhhhhh I have cast iron. Just remember to season it each time before you put it up/away. To make those chops more tender, just put a loose lid over them. smiles.

  4. My hubby who does most (all) of the cooking likes to use cast iron skillets. I hear there are some recipes when you can use them in the oven but we haven't done any of those (yet).



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