Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February Photo a Day #12

Books from my childhood.

These are  not the actual books. Most of them are from eBay a few years ago when I went through a phase of collecting childhood memories.

Until tomorrow


  1. Nice collection. I can't even remember all the books I read way back then. I know I used to like Nancy Drew mysteries.

  2. {{{Big smiles}}}--I love books and I collect Grimm fairytales. smiles

  3. All great books now and then!


  4. I found a favorite childhood book on E-Bay after searched for a couple of years.
    "Little Thunder" that and "Paddle To The Sea" were my favorites.
    I didn't read much. I was outside dreaming up my own adventures in my imagination.

  5. I like old children books too. Have have most all of the Nancy Drew books and the Bobbsey Twins too.


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