Saturday, May 23, 2020

At Last

After almost 17 years I have retired from my job at University of Michigan.

I gave my notice to my supervisor, Nancy, a week or more before this pandemic hit. I planned on giving her 3 months notice, plenty of time to find someone to replace me and get them trained before I left.

Well, COVID-19 changed all that! We Zoom interviewed a few people and Nancy decided which one she wanted to  hire. Then they declared that a hiring freeze would be in effect until July 2021.

I know I mentioned before that I had a crappy coworker who was constantly calling in sick or coming late or leaving early and leaving me to do a 2-person job by myself.

Well, now she's by herself for the foreseeable future! Ask me if I care!!!

Anyway, enough of what bothered me about that job, on to the good stuff!

Yesterday obviously was my last day and everyone went out of their way to make it so special! We couldn't have a retirement party due to social distancing but Nancy had all of my coworkers write little notes and messages to me and she put them in a memory book!

I got flowers from a few people.

This  beautiful egg light with flowers and hummingbirds.

In true Nonnie style, I am leaving it in the box with the tester button attached so Maxwell and Levi can push the button and light it up!

This gorgeous handmade quilt by one of the most talented quilters I've ever seen!

Cards and gift cards!

So many people stopped by my desk to wish me well and tell me how much they are going to miss me. Had me in tears a few times!

I took my name tag and my tape dispenser which has a story I'll tell in another post.

I  had so much stuff I had to use a cart to bring it to my car. My supervisor walked out with me and helped my load it up, then we hugged (screw the social distancing..I love her and will miss her!) and I was on my way home!

And that's it!

Got home, unloaded the car, sat down and thought, "Now what?" LOL

It may take me a while but I will find my way in this new life...

Until the next time!


  1. Congrats!!! you got a lot of nice stuff! Wow hiring freeze for more than a year! I bet that other worker ends up getting fired. She won't be able to do the job and if she continues to call out sick that won't go over well, virus or not.

    Take some time and just enjoy the time without a schedule. Gives you time to spend with your grands. Something will open up with whatever you choose to do next.

    Happy retirement!!!

    I would have hugged too!!


  2. Congratulations! It may take a while, but you will get used to your new life and enjoy it.

  3. Congratulations. What a wonderful feeling. Have fun learning the ins and outs of retirement life.

  4. HAPPY RETIREMENT!!!! Now what? That should be interesting, smiles. Ugh on your governor, she makes me so mad.

    Great gifts, smiles. Have a great weekend, friend.

  5. Congratulations on your retirement! I'm sure you'll love it. :)

  6. Congratulations on your retirement.

  7. Congratulations on your retirement!

  8. Congratulations to you; much deserved. I love that you were showered with accolades and love; what a bunch of nice stuff. LOVE the quilt!
    I will wait with baited breath for the tape dispenser story. :)

  9. Oh you are sooooooooo going to enjoy your new life!!!

  10. I am SO SO happy for you! I hope and pray you'll find things you enjoy doing that you haven't had the opportunity to before. I'm thinking you and Rich will be finding new places to walk. And, little excursions to drive to!

    I am very proud of you; you DID IT! YAYYYYY

    (that's a beautiful quilt and how very nice your friend made it for you)



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February Photo a Day #13

 This is the sunset taken from the front of the ship.  Nothing like watching the sun set over water!  See you tomorrow!