Friday, May 15, 2020

Social Distancing at Work

At the health system where I work they formed a committee to virus proof, for lack of a better word, our facility for the duration of this pandemic.

Yesterday, they went around the whole building marking areas with blue tape.

This is my desk and anyone talking to me needs to stay behind the blue line.

This one at the copy machine I don't quite understand. I guess it's where you stand if you are making copies or faxing something but really, they don't need a mark there! (Since I wrote this I found out that the X's mean only one person can stand in that spot!)

This is the elevator. Stand in your corners!

This is the bathroom. They closed off one sink and marked places to stand while waiting for a sink. Plus a sign reminding us to wash for 20 seconds. Side note: I like to wash for 10 seconds, rinse and do it again for 10 seconds!

This is the break room. They have a line to stand behind while waiting for the sink, microwave or coffee machine. And all of the tables are marked where you are allowed to sit.  They removed all of the other chairs. Only 8 people are allowed in the break room at a time.

And of course, wear a mask while walking the halls or in one of the labs.

I also am liking my longer hair! It certainly needs a trim and a dye job but I love being able to pull it back into a pony tail and out of my way!

That's all for now. One more week of work then freedom and poverty!

It's getting real now!

Until the next time, stay safe and stay well!


  1. Wow...still shaking my head. So, what are you going to do in retirement? Are you going to try to keep working (somewhere else?)?

  2. How exciting with only 1 more week! It will be fine! I bet you can pick something up part time when you are ready. My temp job doesn't have any lines, dots to stand etc. Only restriction is number in break room so lunchtimes are staggered. My hands are so dry from all the hand washing. I need to get a small tube of lotion and carry it with me. Our hair salons opened last Friday. Some places have over a 2 hour wait to get a haircut.


  3. It's crazy with all the X's and lines; but I suppose it reminds us in case we forget.
    ONE more week!! Woot woot!

  4. Wow, you look good! Not many can say that coming out of this pandemic. My hair is unruly and sticking up all over. Not my best look!

  5. Your hair is beautiful. I love it. If I can't get a haircut soon; I'll be wearin' a ponytail also. :)

    So this is your last week? HAPPY DAYS AHEAD!

    You know, one of the problems with this virus thing. I have read 'wear a mask', then I read don't wear one because when your mouth and nose are covered, you're breathing out your nose right into the mouth; meaning if you have 'germs' they're just going right back in. I don't know who to believe anymore!

    Love ya, buddy!


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